Monday, 25 July 2011

Christian Condractions. Which "God" are you serving!?

[NOTE: Whether you are a Christian or not, the information in this blog is relevant to you as well, for the simple fact that unknowingly you are being fed symbolism of a darkly negative nature. Remember just because you personally don't believe in the occult, the elite of this world DO. And it doesn't make their acts or agenda any less real! ]

I find it disturbing how many "Christians" contradict their beliefs and God's Word when dealing with entertainment.
The entertainment business is full of specifically Occult themes and symbolism (Satanic, masonic, Illuminati etc). And it makes sense as the World elite and "big-shots" that control the media serve Lucifer and are against God and the interest for any of the public. So with every symbol they are promoting and praising their "god" Lucifer. Not to mention basic morals are distorted completely.
How many of you listen to popular mainstream 'artists' today like Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Rhianna, Taylor Swift, Jay-Z, Kanye West etc...

Their lyrics and visuals combined paint a very concerning picture about the music industry and what we, and more importantly the younger generations are socially accepting and being conditioned into. Christian, Atheist, Jewish, Muslim, it doesn't matter. This stuff is bad for everyone!

Personally, I don't think God wants people to flash the occult "A-OK" 666 sign of Satan...

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Along with the Illuminati triangle/pyramid for the All seeing eye of Horus. As Beyonce has done so nicely where the Pineal gland / Third eye is meant to be located.

Here are a few more examples of artists sporting the symbols of the Illuminati ...

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Still not concerned? How about this image from Rihanna's Umbrella.
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Yes, isn't it so sexy how Rihanna is making the Baphoment head  (Goat/Ram of Mendes) in that triangle to complete the Pentagram. And don't even say you can't see it, its very clear (the eyes, nose, exaggerated shape of her neck and the horns).
And the triangle. Now I do not condemn triangles in general, but if it is blatantly used in an occult context in its imagery well, there is no defending it. Pointing upwards, it symbolizes male power and a counterfeit view of God. Pointing down, it symbolizes female sexuality, goddess religions and homosexuality. Once brought together they form the unity of both Male & Female, which is the desired goal in sex-magick, and satanic rituals. Think of the ying & yang, and the masonic checker board.

Some more obvious Satanic symbolism...

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Forgive my badly drawn lines, but you get the point (ha!). Lo and behold, Baphomet rears his ugly head in the middle again. Beyonce truly IS a vehicle for Baphomet.. Satan! Not to mention this is Beyonce as her "other personality/persona" Sasha Fierce. The entity that "takes over" and makes her "do things I would never normally do".
Here is a link to a video featuring disturbing quotes and interviews with Beyonce on her other persona Sasha Fierce:

Here is Lady Gaga with her good friend Baphomet (she has alot of this guy in her videos and outfits)...

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Lady Gaga has her own "Triangle" symbolism in her video for "Born this way", which I might add, has nothing to do with being born a homosexual, if the disturbing symbolism of her music video combined with the lyrics have anything to say!!

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 The upside down pink triangle was one of the Nazi concentration camp badges, used to identify male prisoners who were sent there because of their homosexuality. It was meant to be shameful and  sign for degrading exposure (not fitting for a so-called "pro-gay" song right?). But Hitler was highly influenced by the occult and practiced it passionately. Now we already know that the occult meaning is of this pointing down triangle is female sexuality and goddess religions.
There is also a unicorn inside, an ancient mythological creature emblematic of "purity", spiritual enlightenment  and in esoteric terms it refers to the third eye or the pineal gland *cough* Illuminati*cough*.
So the fact Gaga is talking about birthing a "new race, within a race" in this video with this symbolism shows she is speaking of something occult based within humanity... So-called "enlightenment", an opening of the third eye... Sounds like the age of Aquarius to me. Also known as the Satanic aeon of Horus or age of Lucifer. Nice one!

Here is Rihanna sporting a nice pink upside-down triangle outfit...

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What statement is she making here? "Homosexuality is shameful just like Hitler said!" (As gay pride users turn the pink triangle upwards). Or is she saying, "I'm expressing the female sexuality of the goddess!!" Your call, but either way I think we can all agree this picture isn't really flattering.

Still not enough? Lets try Lady Gaga's logo here...

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Here we have the lightening bolt symbol, which used in the occult, especially in Satanism. Anton Szandor Lavey, the founder of the Church of Satan, often wore a medallion of an inverted pentagram with a lightning bolt through the centre of it. Lightening bolts also appeared as the "ss" symbol of Hitler's special forces (still bearing in mind that Hitler was heavily into the occult himself and took alot of symbolism from ancient occult sources).
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Here she is using the lightning bolt again, along with the covering of one eye (The symbol of the Illuminati's All seeing eye). Don't tell me it is consequence, she does this FAR too often in the correct context, along with other artists.

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Another tribute to the Illuminati.. the pyramid with the all seeing eye. She has been working this one so hard.
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Here Gaga makes the "sign-of-the-triangle" opposed to the "sign-of-the-cross" done by Catholics. Guess that would be a sign to the Illuminati then.

There is much more for me to go into, and at such great depth I might add.  But this serves as a taster for all of you at least.
I think it is important for Christians to be aware of these important issues. Everyone should avoid these artists as the messages given are very dark, and negative no matter what religion you belong to, but to be a Christian and accept this sort of thing goes against the Bible you are meant to be following, and thus the word of God.
You have to make a choice. Are you going to follow the world, and thus its elite who serve Satan, or are you going to serve God? Its a very important choice to make!